The return to something insignificant

Things I wanna do when I get my own apartment

The only thing that keeps me going and looking forward to living is the idea that I will, soon enough, get to experience life on my own and everything that comes with it. As sadistic as it sounds, I want to feel the actual struggle of surviving. (and maybe it'll make me appreciate what I have right now that I've been takign for granted, which is living rent free in my parents house) Though it may seem contradictory as I don't enjoy the actual suffering (hence why I refuse to get a job because I'm delusional and I do not dream of labor), I do want to learn how to stand on my own two feet and experience the good and the bad of independent living. I've bookmarked some apartments that I'm interested in and everyday I would scroll through the gallery and manifest the desire further and stronger.
"I want to live here"

Here's some fun things I daydream about doing when I get my own apartment

[added to my collections]