The return to something insignificant

A version that you love

The month of spring has arrived. Along with the season of new beginnings comes new ventures, and I'm happy to finally get my butt out of the gutter and hit my first blog post.

Let me introduce myself.

Hi, I'm nnari. Call me Ree.

I'm an amalgamation of everything I've ever loved and fancy. Aspiring developer by day, storyteller and gamer by night. I used to draw Webtoons, stream full-time, and now pursuing every other interest in my never-ending hyperfixation bucketlist. Welcome to my little corner of the internet.

I've been lurking around Neocities for quite some time now, a few months on and off, everytime I get hit by a random wave of inspiration. I recently discovered bearblog and thought, this is exactly the place I want to be in. I learned about RSS for the first time and obsessively linked personal blogs that I found interesting to turn into my morning newspaper, a great alternative to brain rotting on Twitter. I have so much to say it's kind of embarrassing. I've written my feelings all the time (because I have a lot) in old journals and notebooks where I could barely keep up with my train of thought for years. After switching to digital, letting it out has become so much easier, but it took away the "intimacy" of the handwritten aspect that I cherished. I've used Google docs, Notion, Tumblr (private), and now Obsidian. This time, I'm inspired to unnecessarily share my thoughts and feelings more openly, to web travellers like me who enjoy jumping from site to site, discovering other people's corners of the internet. Though most of them will be more personal and geared towards my own experiences, maybe you can learn a thing or two from the random shenanigans I'll write. I hope it brings you comfort the same way it does to me.