The return to something insignificant

Sunday sessions #9

Happy Sunday!

(Update: thankfully I'm in a motel right now so we got wi-fi for a successful upload)

I'm writing this post in advance as there's a possibility I'll be in the middle of nowhere by Sunday.

We'll be heading in the driveway on the way to US by 2am this Saturday for my mom's birthday. It's gonna be a long 24-hour drive with occasional food and bathroom stops (of course). I have no idea what we're going to do for the whole week there. All I know is we're visiting my uncle along with some relatives from my home country who decided to join us in our trip. I am, however, excited to spend a whole day in Kinokuniya (something that doesn't exist in my province, shame).


Recent discoveries


Over the weekend I’ve been outside on a road trip, which honestly kept me from rage blogging and posting more exhausting rants. Something has been eating me up but despite it consuming my brain, my current situation hinders me from fully writing it and I think that’s a good thing. I’m debating whether or not I’ll actually post it, but there’s a similar feeling of relief of just letting it go as time pass by. We’ll see how my emotional ass feels about it after we reach our destination and I’ve had some time to breathe.
