The return to something insignificant

may musings #2

Happy May 2nd ♥︎

I let my self control loose and indulged myself in $100 worth of books from Kinokuniya and BookOff, and honestly it was money well spent. I more than 10 books in my luggage waiting to go home, I can’t wait to spend time with them and eventually forget about it for months until they start to collect on dust on the shelf.

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Today we’re visiting San Diego and going shopping for the last time. Tomorrow we take off after our final visit to the nursing home. It’s been a nice little break from the confines of my room, but a little too extravagant and pricey (this place is actually expensive holy..)

I think it’s a good thing that Kinokuniya doesn’t exist in our city because holy shit I’ll be damned AND homeless by then after realizing my will power and resolve to reject the allure of sparkly capitalism and internal desires is basically non existent when it comes to books.
There were so many to choose from that I spent two days browsing around and it was still not enough.

I also randomly went ahead and placed a hold on 3 books that’s been on my reading list: The Bell Jar, Red Rising, and Before The Coffee gets Cold. There’s about 50 more people waiting in front of me (which is WILD). I guess I got time to indulge in my own purchases first.

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My thoughts and ideas have been marinating in my head and filling more pages of notes app. There’s never a day I don’t think of something new and seemingly exciting to venture in and pursue, it’s getting a little tiring lol. So many new stories and concepts and project ideas… I’m drowning in my own sea of potential.. but I’ll try to stay focused on what I’ve already established (if I don’t get fixated on the shiny new dopamine-induced brain farts I’ve been releasing).

